
Logo é comunicação

Elements that help in making Logos famous

- Logo design should be simple and should not create confusion.
- Should follow the designing principles of color, form, consistency and clarity.
- Should be effective in full colors as well as in black and white.
- Should not lose its look and feel if reproduced on different objects.
- Should be able to project company’s image, strength and integrity.

Pepsi Logo history

The Pepsi Logo is one of the most famous and well recognized logos in the world. In popularity it stands in line with its competitor Coca cola logo.

The year 1898 saw the first logo of Pepsi Cola. Through the passage of time the Pepsi logo went through redesigning and modifications, followed by the change in slogans that followed the Pepsi logo. These slogans are given below:

1909 till 1939: Delicious and Healthful
1939 till 1950: Twice As Much For A Nickel Too
1950 till 1963: The Light Refreshment
1953 till 1961: Be Sociable
1961 till 1963: Now It's Pepsi for Those Who Think Young
1963 till 1967: Come Alive! You're In the Pepsi Generation
1967 till 1969: Taste That Beats the Others Cold
1969 till 1973: You've Got A Lot to Live, Pepsi's Got A Lot To Give
1973 till 1975: Join the Pepsi People Feelin' Free
1975 till 1978: Have a Pepsi Day
1978 till 1981: Catch That Pepsi Spirit
1981 till 1982: Pepsi's Got Your Taste For Life!
1983 till 1983: Pepsi Now!
1984-to date: Pepsi, The Choice of a New Generation

Outros logos famosos:

E o melhor logo Europeu de 2006 foi português:

Logo name: Grutas e Centro do Vulcanismo
Nation: Portugal
Agency: Shift design
Designer(s): João Pacheco
Client: Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Norte da Madeira
Year of release: 2004
Description: Grutas de São Vicente – A journey in to the interior of the earth. The volcanic caves in the northern shore of Madeira (Portugal) in São Vicente, allows people to see the interior of the island as well as the volcanic process that was responsible for the origin of the Madeira's archipelago. The Volcanic Centre, near the São Vicente Caves, brings together culture, knowledge, leisure and fun. Audiovisuals Shows recreate the geologic evolution of the caves, it simulates a volcanic eruption and the creation of a new island.

In http://www.davidairey.com/

Para ler e pensar: www.choicesinternational.org

2 comentários:

Ana Manuela Meireles || Pedro Ramos de Carvalho disse...

De facto um logo bem estruturado é indispensável ao sucesso de uma marca.

Em relação à Choices International Foundation deixamos já há breves semanas uma pequena reflexão no nosso blog e gostariamos de ter a opinião do professor.

Ana Manuela Meireles
Pedro Ramos de Carvalho

Anónimo disse...

De facto, a utilização de um logotipo é uma estratégia de marketing bem conseguida.
Um logotipo que chame a atenção dos consumidores para um determinado produto, pode influenciar as suas escolhas e deste modo as marcas vêm a venda dos seus produtos aumentada.
Um bom exemplo disso é o da Nestlé, que sendo uma marca com uma gama de produtos muito variada (chocolates, cereais,lacticinios e derivados, água), usa o mesmo logotipo para atrair os consumidores.