
Efeitos da gripe das aves

Retirado de um documento recente do Governo Norte-americano:

If a pandemic were to occur in the U.S., the following could result.

Up to 40% of the workforce could become ill.
An estimated 92 million people will become ill.
An estimated 2% of the workforce could die.
Isolation could span weeks into months not days.
Total economic impact could exceed $600 billion.
It is estimated that only about 17% of U.S.businesses have contingency plans for a bird flu pandemic.Most organizations believe they can operate with about 12% of the workforce being out at any one time.The question is how can they operate with up to 30% of the workforce being absent? U.S.officials are urging business leaders to create contingency plans to minimize the financial impact and disruption to basic services and infrastructure.Many people recognizes it is just a matter of time before the bird flu impacts the global economy.

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